Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Save Energy With Metal Roofs

Due to global warming and other environmental problems we are facing due to our energy consumptions, many people are replacing their roofs with metal ones. They are not only environment friendly but also reduce the energy consumption bills and look trendy as well. You can get these roofs in various colors, shapes like steep slope and different textures. It has been estimated that with metal roof installation, you can save almost 40% of your energy cost, also depending on your location.

 If you are living in hot regions, you can simply install reflective metal roofing that will make your home cool from inside and reduce the air conditioners expenditure annually. The overall temperature of your home or any other building will be almost less 12 F than real temperature. Installing metal roof once for all is going to be a better choice and much economical if compared. You will be spending much less on your energy bills after metal roof installation and surely, it will be a positive step in the favor of the environment. Yes, you will be playing your role as a human being who wants to make this world a better place for our generations to come.

In metal roofs, you have a choice as well. You can choose metal roof repair materials and finishes like copper and aluminum. For hot weather conditions, most people have unpainted roof that will reflect the heat directly hiding from the sun. Now when you are installing metal roof, choose prepainted or granular coated metal roofs that reflect the direct heat from the sun but also remit the absorbed solar radiation. It has been estimated that these metal roofs can approximately re-emit 90% of absorbed solar radiation. Altogether, this will automatically reduce the energy consumption of your home or any other building.

 Many environmentalists recommend installing such roofs so that the overall condition of the environment can be made better. Many countries who are facing environmental problems due to heavy energy consumptions have introduced the laws that make sure that every new house has metal roofs otherwise the builder may face serious consequences. Also, in many other countries where metal roofing is common, metal roofing is directly installed on roofs, most asphalt roofs. This not only reduces the landfill waste but also promotes the easy installation with environmental friendly, trendy and maintenance free like features. Altogether, these features have helped to increase in demand of such roofs since people are now aware of these benefits.

For product information or ordering Visit their site at or their Facebook page or call them at 855-281-0940. 

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